Dear colleagues,
We are looking for candidates for a postdoc position at the University of Maryland (UMD), College Park. The successful candidate will work with Prof. Matthias Zwicker, who recently joined UMD as the “Reginald Allan Hahne Endowed Professor” in Computer Science.
The intended research topic for this position is at the intersection of 3D geometry processing and deep learning. Strong candidates with an interest in other areas in Computer Graphics or Computer Vision, however, are also encouraged to apply.
The position is initially for one year, with an option to extend it to two years. The start date is planned for September 2017, but it can be negotiated if necessary.
Required qualifications for this position include a PhD in Computer Science with a specialization in Computer Graphics or Computer Vision, a thorough background on mathematical techniques for graphics and vision, excellent programming skills, and an outstanding record of academic publications.
Please send your application including CV, academic transcripts, and names of at least three references via e-mail to
More information about the Department of Computer Science at UMD and Prof. Zwicker’s research is available here:
Dr. Matthias Zwicker
Reginald Allan Hahne Endowed Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Maryland, College Park