Extended Deadline : July 16, 2017 : Paper submission
5th Eurographics workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation : UDMV'2017
Call for papers
The UDMV workshop is a place to discuss the modelling and visualisation of the city at various spatial and temporal scales, and aims at sharing associated techniques, methods, uses and points of view. Managing and understanding urban data are major issues as they are represented by several kind of different data sets at various scales. Urban data not only embed the geometry of the city model, but also data related to human activities (e.g. social data, transportation, mobility, history), to physical phenomena (e.g. light, wind, heat), and to environment (e.g. geography, climate). Thus, the processing of urban data is a huge challenge for current GIS and computing capabilities, especially considering all the sustainable development parameters related to architectural design, urban planning and urban climate studies; but also considering the specific needs of entertainment, cultural heritage or any domains using urban data. The workshop aims to gather in a same place GIS, BIM and computer graphics communities.
Following the success of the 4th workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation in Liège, Belgium, the smart living lab and the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Fribourg propose the 5th edition of the workshop. Under the auspice of the Eurographics organization, the workshop will held on November 24 in Fribourg, Switzerland.
Important dates
July 16, 2017 : Paper submission
August 25, 2017 : Author notification
October 27, 2017 : Camera-ready paper
November 24, 2017 : Workshop
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome
The fifth UDMV workshop focuses on users’ experiences and gives a special emphasis on urban comfort. The user experience relates to urban density, ambiances, vegetation, pollution, networks, and transports. Therefore, all papers dealing with the data modelling and visualisation of the user experience will be greatly appreciated. Other topics are also welcome: Modelling the static and dynamic features of the city (spatio-temporal data)
Expected contributions are research papers, 8 pages in Eurographics (EG) publication format, presenting unpublished methods, algorithms and techniques with established results. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference by one of the authors, and will be published in the EG Digital Library.
Organisation – smart living lab
Jérôme Kaempf (Chair)
Jean-Philippe Bacher (Chair)
Alexandra Walther
Program Chair
Vincent Tourre - AAU, ECN, France
Pierre Hallot - LNA/DIVA, Liège Université, Belgium
Program committee
Giorgio Agugiaro (Austria)
Ken Arroyo Ohori (Netherlands)
Benoit Beckers (France)
Gonzalo Besuievsky (Spain)
Filip Biljecki (Netherlands)
Roland Billen (Belgium)
Gilles Gesquière (France)
François Golay (Switzerland)
Thomas Kolbe (Germany)
Hugo Ledoux (Netherlands)
Daniel Méneveaux (France)
Guillaume Moreau (France)
Romain Nouvel (France)
Gustavo Patow (Spain)
Myriam Servières (France)
Michela Spagnuolo (Italy)
Michael Wimmer (Austria)
Submission and Registration
For paper submission and registration please visit the URL of the event: http://smartlivinglab.ch/udmv2017