STAG2019: Call for contributions
Extended submission deadlines
STAG 2019 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics Cagliari, November 14-15, 2019
Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG) is an annual international conference organized by the Italian Chapter of the Eurographics association. For its sixth edition the conference will be held in Cagliari (Italy) on November 14-15, 2019.
The aim of STAG is the dissemination of research activities and novel ideas on both theoretical and application oriented aspects of Computer Graphics, bringing together researchers and practitioners from both national and international scientific communities to share their latest developments.
This year we invite contributions in the form of full papers or posters, and we will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony.
Contributions on new ways to solve real problems, clever solutions to optimize or otherwise improve techniques and algorithms for real-world applications are encouraged. System, libraries, and workflow papers with impact on real-world applications are also welcome. We encourage submissions in all areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and related disciplines.
Full papers might be accepted, rejected, or accepted as posters. From all accepted full papers, an international jury will assign the best paper award.
Full papers are included in the STAG proceedings, published in the Eurographics Digital Library.
Authors of a selection of the most outstanding papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a Special Issue of the Computers & Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Upcoming papers of the last edition can be found here.
For submission information please visit
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019 September 20th, 2019 (12:00 GMT noon) (Extended)
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations at STAG 2019. We welcome posters which present recent results, work in progress, new ideas and small-scale projects which may be of interest to the community, but which are still too speculative, incomplete, or whose scope is not wide enough to warrant a full paper. Posters provide a good opportunity for displaying and discussing ideas. We encourage submissions in all areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visual Computing, and related disciplines.
Posters will be displayed during the conference, whereas a dedicated poster session will run in conjunction with the social event.
The authors of accepted posters will be asked to submit the final version of their 2-page paper, which will be included in the conference proceedings.
For submission information please visit
Papers submission: September 13th, 2019 September 20th, 2019 (12:00 GMT noon) (Extended)
Notification: October 16th, 2019
Camera Ready: October 25th, 2019
STAG 2019 will host, as usual, the EG-Italy thesis award ceremony. Starting from this year, the award will be dedicated to the memory of Matteo Dellepiane, whose passion, enthusiasm, and commitment for science and computer graphics will be of inspiration for all the recipients of this prize.
The Matteo Dellepiane Award recognizes high quality research thesis produced in italian institutions. We aim to motivate young researchers, giving them the opportunity to present their works at an international scientific venue. Two awards will be granted: one for the best PhD thesis, and one for the best MSc thesis.
For submission information please visit
The documentation must be sent to the Thesis Awards Chairs ( not later than 2019 September 15th, 2019 (extended). Nominations can be sent directly by the candidate, the supervisor, or by any other person.
The organizing comittee,
Marco Agus, Massimiliano Corsini and Ruggero Pintus