CAA 2015, Siena, Italy
Call for session proposals
DEADLINE - Tuesday, September 30th 2014
The Organising Committee wish to inform you that the Call for Sessions for
the 43rd International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative
Methods in Archaeology (CAA) is open. The conference will be held at the
University of Siena (Italy), in collaboration with the National Research
Council (ISTI-Pisa), from March 30th to April 3rd 2015.Please submit your
ge=index> SESSION ABSTRACT PROPOSAL online before Tuesday, September 30th
The 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Conference, "KEEP THE REVOLUTION GOING" (CAA 2015 SIENA) will explore a
multitude of topics to showcase ground-breaking technologies and best
practice from various archaeological and computer science disciplines, with
a large diversity of case studies from all over the world.
The conference committee encourages you to consider a presentation format
that will engage your colleagues in discussion and learning beyond the
simple dissemination of information. The main themes of the conference are
likely to include the following, but may be modified or extended according
to the session proposals we receive:
. Field and laboratory data recording
. Data modelling, management and integration
. Linked data and the semantic web
. Data analysis and visualisation
. 3D modelling, visualization, thinking, interpretation and
. Spatio-temporal modelling, GIS and remote sensing
. Users and interfaces: education, museums and multimedia
. Theoretical issues, and the relation of CAA with the Digital
. Digital Cities, cultural heritage interpretation and modelling the
Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
ge=author&op=submit&requiresAuthor=1> STEP ONE OF THE SUBMISSION PROCESS
Best regards
CAA 2015 organizing committee
Advanced MC Research Fellow
Faculty of Classics & McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA UK
Ancient Topography, Landscape Archaeology & Remote Sensing LAB
Department of History and Cultural Heritage
Via Roma 56, 53100 Siena-Italy
E-mail <> campana(a)
Web Sites <>
Skype stecampana
Mobile ++39-3280423331 or ++39-3316458042