Singapore, 3-5 October, 2018
Organized by Fraunhofer Singapore
In cooperation with Eurographics Association, ACM SIGGRAPH and International Federation for Information Processing.
Conference web page: www.cyberworlds-conference.org
CW 2018 SCOPE:
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that use computer technologies to augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the world. CW 2018 is the 17th conference organized annually since 2002. CW 2018 will consider the following tracks and topics:
Applications of virtual and augmented reality; Networked and shared virtual worlds; Virtual collaborative spaces; Shape modeling for cyberworlds; Virtual humans and avatars; Multimodal interaction and rendering; Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality; Social computing; Online communities; Cyber-learning; Multi-user web games; Art and heritage in cyberspace; Cyber-museums; Cyberethics and cyberlaws; Welfare in cyberworlds; Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds; Visual analytics in cyberworlds
Cognitive informatics; Human factors in transportation, maritime, industry 4.0; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Affective computing; Mobile BCI; Machine and deep learning for EEG-based algorithms; Multi-modal Interfaces; Neurofeedback systems and games; BCI applications
Security protocols; Authentication protocols; Privacy protocols; Password security; Security of personal data; Content protection and digital rights management; Risk and reputation management; Identity and trust management; Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy, security and trust in social media; Security of embedded systems; Behavioral biometrics; Performance evaluation of biometric systems; Multi-biometrics; Quality of biometric data; Biometric template protection; Presentation attack detection; Emerging biometrics
Real-time analytics, modelling, and simulation for the future smart cities and urban mobility; 3D city modelling, processing and simulation; Predictive analytics and machine learning for future healthcare; Medical Computing for future healthcare; Visual Computing for active ageing; Cyber-physical systems technologies; Computer vision for industry 4.0 / smart manufacturing; Optical inspection for industry 4.0 / smart manufacturing; Virtual and Augmented Reality for the future smart cities and smart manufacturing
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: full papers (up to 8 pages), short papers (up to 4 pages), and poster papers (up to 4 pages).
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and reference databases of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus, SCI, etc.
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of all accepted full papers:
Computers & Graphics (Elsevier); The Visual Computer (Springer); Transactions on Computational Science (Springer, LNCS); Advanced Engineering Informatics (Elsevier); Journal of Future Generation Systems (Elsevier); International Journal of Art, Culture, and Design Technologies (IGI Global)
Monday 7 May Papers (Full/Short) submission
Monday 25 June Papers (Full/Short) notification
Monday 2 July Poster papers submission
Monday 16 July Poster papers notification
Monday 30 July Author registration
Wednesday 30 July Camera-ready papers submisson to CPS
Conference flyer for downloading: http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourin/cw/cw2018/flyer.pdf
Program Chair Alexei Sourin cw2018@easychair.org
Conference URL: www.cyberworlds-conference.org