PacificVis 2011: The 4th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium


Hong Kong, China

March 1-4, 2011


Conference Co-Chairs

Thomas Ertl, University of Stuttgart

Wenping Wang, The University of Hong Kong



Yi-King Choi, The University of Hong Kong

Pedro Sander, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



PacificVis is an IEEE sponsored international visualization symposium held in the Asia-Pacific region, with the objective to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing area of research. The former name of PacificVis was APVIS (Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualization). This new venue has an expanded scope to include all areas of visualization, and a sponsorship to allow us to achieve a more wide-spread impact.


The 4th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2011) will be held in Hong Kong, a splendid mixture of tradition and modernity as well as a center of business in the world.


[Early registration deadline: Feb 11, 2011]


On-line registration is now available at 


and the conference program can be found at






* 3 Keynote speeches

* 26 technical papers

* 19 poster papers

* 1 panel discussion

* 2 tutorials





* Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA

* Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California at Davis, USA

* Ulrik Brandes, University of Konstanz, Germany





Visualization Research in Asia Pacific



* Issei Fujishiro,  Keio University

* Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney

* Tung-Ju Hsieh, National Taipei University of Technology

* Shixia Liu, Microsoft Research Asia

* Qunzheng Peng, Zhejiang University

* Huamin Qu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

* Jinwook Seo, Seoul National University