The research group Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing (GCC, Prof. Goesele) in the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt has two job openings for
Research Associates/Ph.D. Students
for an initial term of 3 years. The open positions are part of the joint PhD program in visual computing with the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore (see Both positions include therefore a one year research stay at NTU in Singapore.
The research group Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing works on topics at the intersection of computer graphics and computer vision. A second focus are efficient techniques for massively parallel computing (e.g., on modern graphics processing units). Both positions should contribute and/or complement the existing research topics and should also fit to the research interests of the researchers in the joint Ph.D. program in Singapore. Potential topics include:
- efficient image-based reconstruction and rendering techniques
- analysis and perceptual evaluation of reconstruction and rendering techniques
- reconstruction and processing or geometry and reflectance
- massively parallel techniques in computer vision and computer graphics
The successful candidate will also participate in the groups teaching activities.
We are looking for highly motivated applicants, which are able to independently perform scientific research, but are also willing and able to cooperate with other members of our team. The position requires a Masters or Diploma degree in Computer Science or a related field and a deep knowledge of computer graphics, computer vision and/or massively parallel programming. The candidate should have very good knowledge of C/C++ and ideally also have very good knowledge in parallel or massively parallel programming. In addition, she/he should have a strong proficiency of spoken and written English.
Opportunity for further qualification (doctoral dissertation) is given. The fulfillment of the research and service requirements attached to this position serve at the same time as fulfillment of the academic requirements for a candidate's doctoral degree.
The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of female faculty members and encourages female candidates to apply. In case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50 or equal will be given preference. Wages and salaries are according to the collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TV-TU Darmstadt). Part-time employment is generally possible.
How to Apply
Your application should include a letter of motivation stating your interest in the position and your research interests, your current curriculum vitae, M.Sc./Diploma certificates including grades, and at least two letters of recommendation. Please send your application via email to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Goesele (, including the reference number listed below.
Code. No. 214
Application deadline: June 03, 2015
Online version of the job posting