Eurographics 2017 State of the Art Reports - Deadline Extension

The deadline for submitting a Eurographics 2017 State of the Art Report (STAR) has been extended to 23:59 UTC/GMT, September 24th 2016. Please refer to the Eurographics 2017 web page for the detailed call for participation,

For any questions concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs co-chairs Matthias Zwicker and Victor Ostromoukhov :

Important Dates

September 24th, 2016, 23:59 GMT

Full STAR submission

December 23rd, 2016

First review notification

January 29th, 2017

Revised STAR submission

February 25th, 2017

Second review notification

March 11th, 2017

Final STAR submission

STAR Chairs

Matthias Zwicker, University of Bern, Switzerland
Victor Ostromoukhov, University of Lyon, France