VMV 2014

19th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization


October 8-10, 2014

Darmstadt, Germany


Paper Submission Deadline: June 20, 2014


In Cooperation with

Eurographics Association


The VMV workshop series, which covers the fields of computer graphics,

computer vision, visualization, and visual analytics, is well

established and has reached a significant visibility within the

recent years. It offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a

wide range of different topics within an open, international, and

interdisciplinary environment. As in the previous years, the proceedings

will published in cooperation with Eurographics Publications.


Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results,

practice and experience reports, or novel applications to VMV 2014.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:


- Animation

- Applications (medicine, robotics, communications, etc.)

- Color & Reflectance

- Computational Photography

- Dynamic 3D Acquisition and Processing

- Games & Serious Games

- Geometric Modeling


- Graphics and Perception

- Illumination and Reflectance Modeling

- Image and Video Coding

- Image and Video Processing

- Image-based Modeling and Rendering

- Information Visualization

- Interaction with High-Dimensional Data

- Material Appearance

- Medical Image Processing and Visualization

- Motion Capture and Tracking

- Multi-Sensor Fusion

- Non-Photorealistic Rendering

- Object Recognition

- Pattern Recognition

- Realistic Rendering

- Real-time Rendering

- Scientific Visualization

- Statistical Methods, Learning

- Time of Flight, Kinect Imaging

- Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality

- Visual Analytics

- Visual Interfaces

- 3D Printing



co-located events:

- GI-Meeting Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Leitungsgremium GDV)

- 12th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)

  October 6-8, 2014.



Important Dates:

20.06.2014: Paper submission deadline

11.08.2014: Paper acceptance notification

8.-10.10.2014: VMV Workshop 2014



Conference Website:



General Chairs:

Dieter Fellner

Michael Goesele

Stefan Roth



Program Chairs:

Jan Bender

Arjan Kuijper

Tatiana von Landesberger

Philipp Urban