Please note: full papers deadline will elapse in a few days
- astracts due this friday, Sept. 21st
- full papers due on Sept. 26th
**** Eurographics 2008 Annual Conference ****
** Call for Participation - Full Papers **
Eurographics '2008, the 29th annual conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics will be hosted by FORTH, Crete, Greece on April
14th-18th, 2008.
The Eurographics Annual Conference is a leading international event
devoted to computer graphics and all related visual and interactive
We announce a major change in 2008: this edition will be the first one
to be held in the spring. The paper submission deadline will thus be in
late September 2007.
Important dates:
Deadline for Abstracts: September 21st, 2007
Full Paper deadline: ** September 26th, 2007 **
Notification of decisions: November 19th, 2007
Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting research
contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications. Papers
are sought in all areas of Computer Graphics: rendering, modeling,
animation, interactive techniques, virtual reality, visualization,
and other relevant topic areas. Moreover, the 2008 edition will have
a special focus on the cross-fertilization between CG, computer vision
and human-computer interaction.
Conference proceedings will be published in the Computer Graphics Forum
journal, volume 27(2).
For further details about EG'08 in Crete see:
Full Paper submission:
International Programme Committee (IPC)
PC Chairs: Advisory Board:
George Drettakis (FR) Frdo Durand (US)
Roberto Scopigno (I) Eugene Fiume (CAN)
IPC members
M. Alexa (D), K. Bala (US), V. Blanz (D), I. Boier-Martin (US),
P. Brunet (E), M-P. Cani (FR), D. Duke (UK), P. Dutr (B), T. Ertl (D),
P. Faloutsos (US), L. de Floriani (I), E. Gobbetti (I), M. Gross (CH),
V. Interrante (US), D. James (US), L. Kobbelt (D), S. Lee (KR),
H. Lensch (D), B. Levy (FR), M. Lin (US), W. Matusik (US),
V. Ostromoukhov (CAN), C. O'Sullivan (IRL), A. Pasko (UK),
P. Poulin (CAN), L. Reveret (FR), H. Rushmeier (US), K. Singh (CAN),
O. Sorkine (D), M. Spagnuolo (I),J. Stam (CAN), M Stamminger (D),
J. Thollot (FR), J. Tumblin (US), L. Velho (BR), P. Volino (CH),
M. Wimmer (A), TT Wong (HK), C. Wyman (US).