Special Section on Computer Graphics Education (and related subjects) in the time of Covid

We invite submissions to the Graphics & Visual Computing Journal, the open access sister journal of Computers & Graphics, Special Section on Computer Graphics Education (and related subjects) in the time of Covid.

The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly affected society worldwide and forced Universities and other Higher Education institutions to move their programs online almost overnight; students and faculty had to adapt to this new reality and go on with their activities in very different conditions without any specific planning or training. This was naturally more problematic for some courses and topics than for others; Computer Graphics and related courses (e.g. Visualization and Virtual Reality) may have been particularly challenging as they involve very specific Hardware and Software that typically students only have access to at their institutions’ premises. Nevertheless, this also brought opportunity to institutions, which should be better prepared to face new challenges, and perhaps to leverage this experience to foster a hybrid model of education with significant benefits.

This call addresses papers identifying and debating issues, presenting solutions, guidelines, and lessons learned based on the experience gained during these extraordinary times.

Please follow the submission guidelines for the Graphics & Visual Computing Journal as detailed in the guide to authors. Ensure that you read and follow the instructions linked below carefully before uploading your submission at:


All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed by at least three experts according to the standards of Graphics & Visual Computing. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work at the Eurographics 2021 Education track (online).

Important Dates

Submission Due: November 15, 2020

First Decision: December 15, 2020

Revised Papers Due: March 17, 2020

Final Decision: January 31, 2021

Publication: July 2020

 The Guest Editors

Beatriz Sousa Santos, Eike Anderson, Gitta Domik