26th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence

21st Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments




December 7th-9th, Little Rock, AR, USA



Come and join us Dec 7th-9th in Little Rock Arkansas for three days of exciting new research presentations, innovative ideas, and inspiring conversations in Virtual and Augmented Reality. Mingle with the leading VR/AR scientists, industry professionals and visionaries, share your ideas and experiences, and try the newest technologies displayed at the VR Plaza exhibit area. 


We have just released the final program at http://icat-egve-2016.org/program-overview.html, please take a look, we are sure you will find a number of interesting topics.


The event will be held at the Bill Clinton Presidential Library so it is also an opportunity to experience a wonderful part of US history. 


For more information and detailed program visit: http://icat-egve-2016.org/


Looking forward to seeing many of you here in Little Rock!


  Carolina Cruz-Neira

  Kiyoshi Kiyokawa

     Conference Co-Chairs