Dear colleagues,
the 2015 Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing takes place in Graz, Austria, July 6-8, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
We are happy to announce Robert J. Lang (Origami), Mark Pauly (EPFL), Amit Singer (Princeton) as invited speakers.
SGP also offers a graduate school on July 4-5, and a software award.
Please find attached a poster / call for papers. For details, see Submission deadline is April 9 resp.
April 14, with acceptance notification on May 25. Scientific Chairs are Mirela Ben-Chen (Technion) and Ligang Liu (Univ. Sc. Technology of China).
SGP is the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in geometry processing. In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer science, and engineering are studied and applied to offer new insights and design efficient algorithms for acquisition, modeling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and transmission of complex 3D models. We invite submissions especially related to the following topics:
Acquisition and reconstruction
Analysis and fabrication for 3D printing
Discrete differential geometry
Exploration and learning of shape collections
Geometric modelling and fabrication
Geometry and topology representations
Geometry compression
Geometry processing applications
Interactive techniques
Meshing and remeshing
Multiresolution modelling
Robust geometry processing
Shape analysis and synthesis
Simulation and animation
Smoothing and denoising
Surface and volume parameterization
Best regards,
the organizers.
PS: Also in 2015, SGP is supported by Microsoft Research and Disney/Pixar.
The Software Award is sponsored by the Geometry Factory.
Johannes Wallner Tel (+43) 316 873 8440
Institut fuer Geometrie, TU Graz Fax (+43) 316 873 8448
Kopernikusgasse 24
A-8010 Graz