Dear colleague,

please find here the announcement for Eurographic's exciting 'Graphics
meets Games Competition'! Please forward this announcement to all people
who you think might be interested, especially if you have contacts to PhD
and Master students, or to people working or aspiring to work in the game

!! Eurographics 2006 announces the 'Graphics meets Games Competition' !!

** The Mission (should you choose to accept it) **

Create a small, self-contained real-time 3D demo game which exhibits
some novel and interesting form of interactivity for the user/player
with a graphical effect or effects. Create something not yet seen in a
3D game, either through a new effect or a new use of a known effect or
combination of effects.

** The Game **

Your choice - computer-/video-, artistic-, learning-,...

** The Means **

Your pick - simple geometric objects, fancy models and animation -
whatever best fits your effect(s).

** The Competition **

Get picked as a contestant and get...
...your work showcased big-screen at Eurographics 2006 access on the last day of Eurographics 2006
...a chance to be the EG 2006 "Graphics meets Games Competition" winner
...a chance to get one of the juicy prices

** The Details **

** The Deadline **

May 28, 2006

Join the fun - as long as you have a novel, playful idea for
interactivity with 3D graphics, we want to see it !

The Graphics meets Games Chairs

Michael Wimmer
Timo Aila

  Werner Purgathofer             | Tel. +43(1)58801 18655
  Technische Universitaet Wien   |