Dear Friend and Colleague,
I am pleased to inform you that our department is about to
annouce a tenture-track assistant professor position in the area of
computer graphics and computer simulation. These being my own disciplinary
fields I am extremely excited about this.
I hope you will help me get the news out to strong candidates that would
be interesting in making a career here in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Below is a snippet of the call text that soon will go online. Any
interested candidates are welcome to contact me for more information.
Best regards
Kenny Erleben
Tenure-track assistant Professor of Computer Graphics and Computer
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
The Department of Computer Science ( at the University
of Copenhagen invites applications for an associate professor of Computer
Graphics and Computer Simulation.
The department is expanding its research and educational activities in
computer simulation and computer graphics. There are excellent
opportunities for working with medical applications and for collaboration
on theoretical and applied development of novel numerical methods, new
approaches for computational meshing, GPU programming and computational
mechanics with researchers at DIKU and neighbouring institutions requiring
advanced computer simulations beyond the state-of-the-art.
The applicant is expected to have substantial research experience in the
area of Computer Graphics and Computer Simulation. Outstanding applicants
in all areas of computer graphics and computer simulation will be
considered, but research areas of special interest include moving meshes,
computational contact mechanics, bio-mechanical modeling as well as the
application of these methods in various domains.
The successful candidate is expected to build up his/her own research
group and apply for external funding (e.g., an ERC starting grant). The
position comes with a competitive start-up package.