The John Lansdown Prize for Interactive Digital Art
All those working in interactive digital art are invited to submit for this
international prize, awarded annually by the Eurographics Association.
The first prize has a cash value of 750 Euros and there is 250 Euros for
runner-up. The closing date for submission is 18th January 2008.
The criteria for the Award centre on the creative use of the digital medium
for interactive art, in any form. The work submitted must have been created
within the last two years.
Details of the winning entries from the 2007 and 2006 competitions have
published on the Eurographics Web site,
Eurographics presented the John Lansdown Prize for the first time at the
Eurographics 2000 conference. The award was renamed the Prize for
Interactive Digital Art in 2006, to better describe the kind of entry that
the judges are looking for.
The prize is dedicated to the memory of Professor John Lansdown, who died
February 1999. In his varied career, John Lansdown was involved in many
creative activities, from his first discipline of architecture, through
computer graphics to computer-mediated artwork of many forms, culminating
multimedia production. Creativity is an overworked word, but it can be
justly applied to John Lansdown's approach to everything he explored, so
criteria for the award centre on the creative use of computers to generate
interactive art.
The results of the competition will be announced at Eurographics 2008 in
Crete in April 2008. A certificate will accompany the cheque.
The judges look forward to receiving a stimulating set of submissions and
wish all submitters good luck with their research and development work.
Judging Criteria
The submission awarded first prize will demonstrate innovation in the use
interaction with images, sound and animation. The judges will take into
account whether the work looks and sounds "good" and behaves "well",
strength of the underlying ideas and the degree to which the system "works"
both conceptually and mechanically, in other words the fitness for purpose
of the submission. A successful work will show a significant understanding
of the needs, motivations, conceptions and actions of the user.
Fundamental characteristics that the judges will expect to find in a
successful submission include:
* Innovation
* Usability
* Degree of finish
* Technical ingenuity
* Coherence
* Usefulness
* Meeting declared aims
* Selectivity or appropriateness
* Fertility for development
* Awareness of "state of the art"
The judges reserve the right to make no award or to award only a second
prize if, in their opinion, the standard of work submitted does not reach
the high standards of creativity associated with John Lansdown. The judges'
decision is final. They may, at their discretion, give private advice or
comments to submitters of work on future development, but will not openly
discuss their decisions nor respond to direct questioning on the reasons
decisions after the award ceremony.
Rules for submission
A submission may be made by companies, Universities, Research
individuals -in short anyone- from any country in the world. The work
submitted must have been created within the last two years. The work must
submitted on CD-ROM or DVD (five copies). The submission should be
accessible using standard software on standard equipment (for example,
Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Explorer, Adobe Acrobat on
and/or Macintosh platforms). If specialist plug-ins or Xtras are needed,
arrangements to download these should be made clear in the submission. If
the work is a web site, a disk copy should be submitted. If the work is an
installation, it is acceptable to submit a video describing the work and
including a tour through the work. Videos may be submitted on CD-ROM or
Entries that run on mobile devices should also be submitted as video, e.g.
by capturing the screens.
Submissions should be received by the Chairman of the judges, Nuno Correia,
on or before 18th January 2008. Submissions received after this closing
will not be considered.
Each submission should contain:
* the name, address, telephone, FAX, email and company or university
affiliation (when relevant) of a contactable submitter, as well as a signed
and dated statement indicating willingness to accept the rules of the
competition and for Eurographics to have the right to use extracts from the
work for publicity purposes;
* the names, addresses and affiliations of any collaborators, plus a
signed and dated statement from each indicating their agreement that the
work should be submitted to the competition and that they accept the
competition rules;
* TWO signed copies of the "Licence to Use Agreement" (DOC, PDF). One
copy, signed by Eurographics, will be returned to you;
* a brief statement (no more than one A4 page) indicating the aims and
status of the work (for example, commercial product, joint or individual
student project, "proof of concept" development, etc.);
* complete operating instructions for the work, to include any special
requirements of the operating platform and/or software.
Contact details
Professor Nuno Correia
Eurographics 2008 John Lansdown Award Competition
Informatics Department
Faculty of Sciences and Technology
New Universyty of Lisbon
Quinta da Torre, 2829 -516 CAPARICA
Fax: +351 21 2948541
email: nmc(a)