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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - The early registration due is approaching.
***** PACIFIC GRAPHICS 2009 *****
The 17th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications
October 7-9, 2009, Jeju, Korea
Pacific Graphics 2009 will be held in Jeju, Korea. Although Pacific Graphics
has been held in Korea five times, all of them were in Seoul, the capital
city of Korea. For the first time in the series, Pacific Graphics 2009 will
be in Jeju, which is a beautiful island and one of the most attractive
tourist destinations in Korea. Please come and join us to have a successful
conference and enjoy fantastic nature of Jeju at its best season.
Important Dates
Early registration due: September 4, Friday, 2009
Pre-registration due: September 25, Friday, 2009
Conference: October 7-9, Wed-Fri, 2009
Invited Talks
Steve Marschner (Cornell University)
Kwan-Liu Ma (University of California-Davis)
Neil Trevett (NVIDIA)
Paper Sessions
9 paper sessions with 31 regular papers
2 poster sessions
Social Events
Welcome reception (October 6)
Conference dinner (October 7)
Banquet (October 8)
Conference tour in Jeju (October 10, optional)
Conference Organization
Honorary Conference Co-Chairs
Hans-Peter Seidel (MPI Informatik, Germany)
Sung Yong Shin (KAIST, Korea)
Conference Co-Chairs
Baining Guo (MSRA, China)
Chang-Hun Kim (Korea Univ., Korea)
Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany)
Program Co-Chairs
Seungyong Lee (POSTECH, Korea)
Dani Lischinski (Hebrew Univ., Israel)
Yizhou Yu (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Organization Co-Chairs
Jung-Ju Choi (Ajou Univ., Korea)
Gyuhwan Oh (Ajou Univ., Korea)
Sang-Il Park (Sejong Univ., Korea)
Byeong-Seok Shin (Inha Univ., Korea)
Hyun Joon Shin (Ajou Univ., Korea)
In Cooperation with
Organized by
Korea Computer Graphics Society (KCGS)
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Sponsored by
Microsoft Research
National Research Foundation of Korea
A PDF version of Call for Participation can be downloaded from
For more details, please visit the conference web site,