For full details on full papers, workshop proposals, survey papers, short
papers, and co-located events, please visit the EuroVis 2014 web page:
With this call for papers, we invite the active participation in EuroVis
2014 with the presentation of high-quality visualization research. EuroVis
2014 will be held in Swansea, Wales, UK, June 9-13, 2013. This is the
very first time the event is located in historic Wales.
EuroVis 2014 is the 16th annual scientific gathering on visualization
jointly organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization
and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee. Based on the
continued growth and success of the event, EuroVis will be a conference for
the third time. Co-located with EuroVis 2014 are EuroVA, The EuroGraphics
Workshop on Visual Analytics and The EuroGraphics Symposium on Parallel
Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV). Further co-located workshops and
event are forthcoming.
Full Papers accepted for EuroVis 2014 are published in a special issue of
Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the Eurographics
Association, after a two-stage peer-reviewing process. Submissions should
be 9 pages (at most), excluding references, and 10 pages (at most), in
For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have
been rejected or withdrawn, the authors can provide a cover letter
the changes they have made to comply with reviewers' comments and requests.
This procedure is strongly recommended and it is meant to improve the
efficiency of the reviewing process but does not imply reviewer continuity.
The cover letter is submitted as an 'Additional Material'.
Papers may be submitted as technique, systems, application, evaluation or
theory papers, but these classifications may be changed during the review
process. For a brief discussion of the different types of paper, please
consult the guidelines on the conference web page.
Important Dates
Full Paper Abstracts: November 29, 2013
Full Papers: December 6, 2013
First Round Review Notification: Feb. 14, 2014
Deadline for Revised Submissions: Mar. 14, 2014
For the very first time, EuroVis also solicits Workshop proposals
and survey papers. Please see the conference web page for suggested
topics for research papers, more details on Workshop proposals,
a description of survey papers and short papers.
EuroVis 2014 Paper Co-Chairs
Penny Rheingans, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States
Heidrun Schumann, University of Rostock, Germany
Hamish Carr, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Paper Co-Chair E-mail: eurovis-papers(a)
EuroVis 2014 Conference Chairs,
Min Chen, Oxford University, UK
Robert S Laramee, Swansea University, UK