EGPGV 2012
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
May 13th 14th, 2012
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
EGPGV is the premier international event focusing on parallel
graphics and visualization technology, where novel solutions
exploiting and defining new trends in parallel hardware and
software architectures are presented.
The aim of the symposium is to strongly encourage exchange of
experiences and knowledge in parallel and distributed visual
computing and its application to all aspects of computer
graphics and data visualization.
Dear Colleague:
we would like to inform you that the EGPGV 2012 online
registration is now open and the early-bird registration will
last until
*** April 7th, 2012 ***
so please register soon to catch the reduced fees!
Registration information is provided on our website: at the registration page.
Hotel should also be booked as soon as possible, as May is the
beginning of the main travel season in Cagliari.
Venue and accommodation information can be found on our website.
On the Eurographics 2012 website you can find also travel information
The 2012 program will consist of 16 high quality papers and
two keynote speeches.
Program will be available soon on the website.
Full details on the conference,
can be found through the conference web site at:
Conference Chair (
Fabio Marton, CRS4, Italy
Program Co-Chairs (
Torsten Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Hank Childs, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, USA