



  36rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics


  May 4th to 8th, 2015  in Zurich, Switzerland





The Eurographics Conference 2015 (EG15) will be held in Zurich from May 4th to 8th and take place at the renown Kongresshaus. The conference showcases the newest advances in the state of the art in Computer Graphics and keeps researchers, developers, educators and practitioners up to date. EG15 is organized by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.



* The REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! The discounted 'Early-bird' rates are now available until March 13th, 2015.


  For details and the online registration see: http://www.eurographics2015.ch/registration



* The TECHNICAL PROGRAM will include a wealth of technical novelties and developments in computer graphics. Additionally, a number of specialized co-located events will complete the scientific and technical offers preceding and during EG15.


   The detailed program will be availabel before the conference starts at: http://www.eurographics2015.ch/program





Full details about EG15 can be found through the conference web site at: http://www.eurographics2015.ch


For any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@eurographics2015.ch.



The Conference Chairs

  Renato Pajarola, University of Zürich, Switzerland

  Markus Gross, ETH Zürich, Switzerland