Pacific Graphics 2018 (PG 2018)
Hong Kong, 8 – 11 October, 2018
Pacific Graphics is an annual international conference on computer graphics and applications. It is one of flagship conferences of Asia Graphics Association. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
Call for Papers
Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling, rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Papers should be submitted through the SRM system.
Pacific Graphics 2018 accepts full papers, short papers and poster papers. All the full (regular) papers of Pacific Graphics 2018 will be published as a special issue of the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), the journal of the Eurographics Association. A few submissions with strong potential but not accepted as regular papers will be recommended for a second review cycle of CGF after major revisions. Short papers and poster papers will not appear in CGF, but will be published electronically through the EG digital library. Extended versions of selected, high-quality, short papers will be invited to a SpringerOpen journal, Computational Visual Media.
Important Dates (GMT-7)
Abstract submission: 10 Jun, 2018
Full papers submission: 12 Jun, 2018
Reviews to authors: 18 Jul, 2018
Rebuttals due: 22 Jul, 2018
Decision notification: 01 Aug, 2018
Final acceptance notification (for regular papers only): 27 Aug, 2018
Camera ready: 31 Aug, 2018
PG18 General Co-chairs
Hujun Bao, Zhejiang University
Horace H. S. Ip, City University of Hong Kong
Hans-Peter Seidel, Max-Planck-Institut Informatik
Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
PG18 Program Co-chairs
Hongbo Fu, City University of Hong Kong
Abhijeet Ghosh, Imperial College London
Johannes Kopf, Facebook Research
PG18 Organization Chair
David Junhui Hou, City University of Hong Kong
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