Fourth Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations
Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland, 9th November
This is the fourth edition of the workshop and this year it is hosted
by Trinity College, Dublin. The workshop is organized in
cooperation with Eurographics.
As in previous editions, the goal is to attract
high level research papers in the domains of dynamic simulation and
physical interaction in virtual reality environments. We also welcome
papers showing on-going research with promising results and new
technology with applications related. We particularly encourage works
in the medical domain due to its strong ties to the workshop topics.
Topic Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following
* Collision detection techniques
* Deformable objects (e.g. biomechanical modeling of soft and hard
* Physical standards for assessing deformable objects
(e.g. performance metrics & validation of medical simulators)
* Natural phenomena modeling (hair, fluids, ...)
* Geometric algorithms for physical simulation
* Haptic interactions & virtual reality interfaces
* Physically based dynamics (video games, medical simulators)
The workshop seeks to be an international forum for researchers and
students to provide a propitious environment for sharing results and
exchanging new concepts on these fields. Information submission
Camera ready submission:
Papers are allowed 6 to 10 pages and formatted according to the EG
publication guidelines for workshop submission. For double-blind
reviewing, the anonymous submission version should be used. Accepted
papers will be presented orally at the workshop and appear in the
The works must be formatted in pdf and should include the following data:
* Abstract of not more than 150 words.
* Three to five keywords.
As in previous workshops, we are seeking to publish the best papers in
a recognized journal. Deadlines
* Papers due: July 3rd * Notification of acceptance: September 10th
* Deadline for camera-ready version: October 9th
* Conference: November 9th
Workshop chairs:
* John Dingliana (Trinity College of Dublin - Ireland)
* Fabio Ganovelli (National Research Concil - Italy)
Local chair:
* John Dingliana (Trinity College of Dublin - Ireland)
International Program Committee
Bedrich Benes Department of Computer Graphics Technology.
Purdue University
Christophe Chaillou INRIA Futurs France
Stephane Cotin CIMIT USA) From May INRIA
Paolo Dario Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
Hervé Delingette INRIA, Sofia Antiplois
John Dingliana Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Francois Faure INRIA, Rhone-Alpes France
Fabio Ganovelli National Research Concil - Italy
Cesar Mendoza Rey 4Juan Carlos University, Spain)
Philippe Meseure SIC France
Min-Hyung Choi The University of Colorado, Denver
Matthias Müller AEGIA Inc.
Isabel Navazo Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
Victor Ng-Thow-Hing Honda Research Institute, USA
Carol O'Sullivan Trinity College Dubli, Ireland
Miguel Otaduy ETH Zurich
Riccardo Scateni Università di Cagliari, Italy
Marco Tarini Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy
Matthias Teschner Computer Science Department University of Freibur