Call for papers -- Graphics interface 2022

This is a reminder about the upcoming second paper submission deadline for GI 2022. Details are below.


Conference Homepage: 

Submission Website: 

Location: École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, QC


Important Dates

Paper Deadline #2:                             25 March 2022, 11:59 pm EST

Author Notification for Deadline #2:    15 April 2022

Conference:                                        17-19 May 2022


Graphics Interface has a long legacy of attracting high-quality papers on human-computer interaction, interactive systems, computer graphics, and visualization. The conference brings together researchers from across the globe to discuss their recent advances in these fields.


We want you! GI 2022 invites submissions covering all aspects of HCI, graphics, and visualization. Research at the intersections of these areas, as well as intersections with computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are also encouraged. All paper submissions are rigorously peer reviewed by at least three expert reviewers.

All accepted GI papers will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library and will be open access in the Graphics Interface archive. The Michael A. J. Sweeney Award will be awarded at the conference to the best student papers in computer graphics and HCI. Additionally, authors of top papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions to the journals IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) and Computers & Graphics.

Hybrid conference

GI 2022 will be a hybrid conference. Attendees/presenters have the option of attending/presenting remotely or in person. However, all presenters should prepare a 10 minute video (maximum) presenting their work, to be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the conference.  


Paper Submission Information

Graphics Interface 2022 will use OpenReview. This system allows for increased transparency and accountability during the peer review process. Submissions will be double-blind: authors will not know reviewers’ identities, and reviewers will not know authors’ identities. After the deadline, each paper will become available publicly and anonymously, and time-stamped accordingly. This eliminates the need to post submissions simultaneously on ArXiv, and consequently authors are prohibited from de-anonymizing their papers by posting them on ArXiv or elsewhere.


After the review period, all reviewers’ scores and comments will be simultaneously revealed publicly and anonymously for each submission. We will not allow anonymous public comments from non-reviewers. Immediately upon decision of acceptance/rejection or withdrawal, the author identities of each accepted submission will be revealed. Authors of rejected papers may decide to withdraw their submission if they do not wish to keep a de-anonymized and time-stamped public record of their submission.


Papers can be of any page length (though a length between 6 and 10 pages is common). Length is expected to be commensurate with the importance of the contribution. All papers will have the same presentation time at the conference and there will be no distinction based on length made between papers in the program, proceedings or digital library.


Papers rejected from the first deadline are welcome to submit revised versions of their paper for the second deadline. More information, including paper formatting instructions, can be found on the conference website: 


Technical Program Chairs

Sheldon Andrews, École de technologie supérieure

Deborah Fels, Ryerson University


General Chair

Adrien Gruson, École de technologie supérieure