******** EUROVIS 2015 -- REGISTRATION IS OPEN! ********


    EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization


    May 25th to 29th, 2015


    Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy




EuroVis 2015, hosted by CRS4 in Italy, is the 17th annual visualization

gathering organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data

Visualization and supported by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics

Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC). EuroVis has been a Eurographics

and IEEE co-supported international visualization symposium

held in Europe annually since 1999. Since 2014 EuroVis is a conference.


EuroVis2015 will take place from May 25th to May 29th in Cagliari, Sardinia,

Italy. May 25th-26th will be dedicated to co-located events, while the

main conference will open on Tuesday, May 26th and close on Friday, May 29th.

The conference opening with the paper fast forward will be on the

afternoon of Tuesday, May 26th.


This year's co-located events are:

  EGPGV, the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization

  EuroVA, the sixth international Eurovis workshop on Visual Analytics

  EnvirVis, the EuroVis workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences

  EuroRVVV, the third international EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility,

  Verification, and Validation in Visualization




=== REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Please note: the discounted

=== 'Early-bird' rates are available until April 30th.

=== After that date full conference rates will apply.

=== Discounted rates are available for students, EG members,

=== and IEEE members.

=== Co-located events only, Conference only, and Full Week

=== registration options are available


=== See http://www.eurovis2015.it/for-attendees/registration/ for details.




Full details on the conference, co-located events and program

can be found through the conference web site at:



Travel to Cagliari is very easy, with a number of options available.

Details on travel options can be found here:



Conference Chair  <chair-ev2015@crs4.it>

    Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Italy


Local Organization (local-ev2015@crs4.it)

    Fabio Bettio, CRS4, Italy

    Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Italy


Secretariat (secretariat-ev2015@crs4.it)

    Katia Brigaglia, CRS4, Italy

    Cinzia Sardu, CRS4, Italy