UPDATE: Re-design data has been added and the deadline is extended to September 9, 2022 (anywhere on earth).
This years Bio+MedVis challenge is online and will be at IEEE VIS 2022.Understanding chemical modifications on the 3D structure of proteins has the potential to unlock cures for myriad rare diseases. This year, we provide a unique dataset of different types of new protein modifications. We want your help to visually understand where protein modifications are most likely to occur, and whether these are in locations with known connections to specific rare diseases.
You can also submit to our re-design challenge, where your task is to revise and improve an existing visualization based on fundamental visualization principles.
Get the data and more information at http://biovis.net/2022/biovisChallenges_vis/
Please feel free to ask questions on our Slack channel #biovis-challenge2022 if you need more information and details about the data or tasks.