Dear Eurographics members,
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic the Eurographics Executive Board and the EuroVis Steering Committee, in discussion with the conference organizing committee chairs Anders Ynnerman, Jonas Unger, Ingrid Hotz and Patric Ljung, have decided to hold EGEV, the joint Eurographics/EuroVis conference 2020, as a virtual meeting rather than a physical meeting. We understand that this will cause some disruption in travel plans, but we believe it to be a necessary decision.
We are currently defining the details of the organization of the virtual-only conference, as we view it as essential that the authors of accepted submissions be given every opportunity to present their work. Once we have finalized the arrangements, we will post them on the EGEV 2020 website.
Eurographics also plans to support all collocated workshops in virtual form, we are in the process of discussing arrangements with their Steering Committees. This will also be the case for all other workshops during this year that cannot happen physically due to the Corona crisis.
We apologise for this unprecedented action, but it is now clear that these steps must be taken. If you have any questions about the process, please wait until we have posted details on the website, then contact either the conference organisers, myself as President or Hamish Carr as Secretary.
We trust that you will all understand the situation, and look forward to seeing you at the earliest possible opportunity.
- Oliver Deussen