Call for Full Papers for Eurographics 2013



The Eurographics 2013 Technical Papers programme will showcase innovative research,

practice and experience, and novel applications. We invite submission of high-quality

papers that will set the standard in the field and stimulate future trends.

Accepted papers will be presented at Eurographics 2013 and published in a special issue

of the Eurographics journal, Computer Graphics Forum. We encourage submission from all

areas related to computer graphics such as rendering, modeling, animation, visualization,

virtual reality, computer vision, imaging, and related disciplines.



A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59GMT, Friday September 21st, 2012, and the full paper

deadline is 23:59GMT, Friday September 28th, 2012.



Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission

and Review Management (SRM) system. Papers must be written in English, must be anonymized,

should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics

Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines. Accepted papers must be presented in English

at Eurographics 2013. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach, so please remove all

personal data (like such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are

asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.


Double Submission Policy

Authors are required to include a declaration that they have not previously published nor

currently submitted the scientific contribution claimed in their paper to any other conference

or journal before or during the Eurographics 2013 Technical Papers review period. Any paper

that does not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without review.


Re-Submitted Material

For papers that have previously been reviewed for other venues and have been rejected or

withdrawn, the authors can provide a cover letter describing the changes they have made to

comply with reviewers’ comments and requests. This procedure is strongly recommended and

it is meant to improve the efficiency of the reviewing process but does not imply reviewer

continuity. The cover letter has to be submitted through the SRM as an ‘Additional Attachment’

(last section of the SRM upload form).


Rebuttal, Notification, Publication & Prizes

• New this year: a rebuttal period from November 15th to 18th will allow authors to clarify

  any ambiguity with respect to the original reviews.

• The date for notification of the results of the review process is December 7th, 2012.

• From all accepted papers, an international jury will select the three best papers. The best

  paper will receive the Günter Enderle Award, including a cash prize of 1000 Euros presented at

  Eurographics 2013.


For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the papers program co-chairs: