*** Apologies for duplicate postings ***





Eurographics 2019: Doctoral Consortium


Submission deadline: February 8, 2019





The Eurographics Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an excellent opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and experienced researchers in the field, receiving feedback and mentoring, as well as a different perspective from senior researchers outside their home institution. In addition, the Doctoral Consortium provides a unique forum for PhD students to share their work and experience among their fellow PhD students. The Doctoral Consortium will take place within the Eurographics 2019 conference, to be held in Genova, 6-10, May 2019.



Who should apply?


PhD students working in all areas of computer graphics are encouraged to apply. We particularly encourage applications from students who are in the first half of their PhD work, especially those who already have a clear research direction (possibly with some published results), as they have sufficient time ahead to profit from their participation in the Doctoral Consortium. Students who are close to finishing their doctorate degree, or have very recently finished it, are also welcome, to share their experience and to discuss their ongoing research and future research plans.


The applicants are strongly encouraged to consider submitting a poster of their work to the poster track in parallel.





February 9, 2019  -  Submission deadline

March 11, 2019  -  Notification of acceptance



For further information regarding the submission guidelines, please see

the Eurographics 2019 Doctoral Consortium webpage:





Eurographics Doctoral Consortium Chairs


Riccardo Scateni, University of Cagliari, Italy

Kai Hormann, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland


Contact: chairs-eg2019dc@eg.org