Positions: We have openings for two PhD positions in computer graphics.

One position will focus on research in 3D geometry processing and interactive modeling, the second position will focus on light fields and computational photography. Research will be performed in the Computer Graphics Group at the University of Bern. The positions are open starting June 1st, 2014, but flexible later starting dates are possible.


Your profile: We are looking for highly motivated candidates who are eager to get involved in cutting edge, creative research. You hold a Master of Science in Computer Science with a solid background in computer graphics or computer vision. You have excellent programming skills in an object oriented programming language like C++. Experience in OpenGL, OpenCL, or CUDA development is a plus. We expect fluent communication skills in English.


What we offer: The positions are fully funded for up to four years. You will be part of a research group contributing to cutting edge research in computer graphics and publishing in top-level journals and conferences. You will have the chance to participate and collaborate in the international computer graphics research community. We are located in Bern in the core of Switzerland, a beautiful city offering excellent quality of life with an abundance of opportunities for cultural or outdoors activities.


Application and further information: Please send applications including CV, university transcripts, and two references to mailto:zwicker@iam.unibe.ch. You may also contact this email address to obtain further information. We accept applications until the position is filled. For more information see also our web page at http://www.cgg.unibe.ch/.