CALL FOR POSTERS -- HPG 2019 Deadline Extended!

ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics High Performance Graphics 2019


High Performance Graphics has extended the deadline for Poster Submissions!  (All deadlines are at 22:00 UTC/GMT).

Wednesday, May 22 Deadline for poster submissions
Sunday, June 9 Extended Deadline for poster submissions  
Wednesday, May 29 Notification of poster acceptance
Monday, June 10 Extended Deadline for poster acceptance

Reminder: Tuesday, June 11 Deadline for Early-bird registration

Diversity Program
We would like to particularly encourage poster submissions from students applying to the new scholarship program funding travel and expenses to attend HPG 2019.
Please visit for further details. Our program provides travel and registration scholarships to HPG, being held in beautiful Strasbourg, France, July 8th-10th.

Strasbourg | Monday-Wednesday    July 8-10 Conference.

We invite the submission of posters describing ongoing or late-breaking work. In addition to traditional posters, this session will be enhanced to provide opportunities for paper authors to present implementation details or hands-on demonstrations.

Posters will be exhibited in the break areas throughout the conference. For each poster, we will attempt to make space available upon request for interactive demonstrations. Poster authors will be responsible for printing the poster, bringing it to the conference, and setting it up. Easels will be provided.

Posters Program

We invite the submission of posters describing ongoing or late-breaking work. In addition to traditional posters and a posters fast-forward, this session will be enhanced to provide opportunities for paper authors to present implementation details or hands-on demonstrations.

Posters will be exhibited in the break areas throughout the conference. For each poster, we will attempt to make space available upon request for interactive demonstrations. Poster authors will be responsible for printing the poster, bringing it to the conference, and setting it up. Easels will be provided.  

Poster Submission Info

Prepare an extended abstract (one page maximum) that summarizes the work using the Computer Graphics Forum guidelines and using the CGF LaTeX template ( 

You can also choose to prepare a high-quality version of the final poster.

Send either of both items (in PDF format) to Include author names and their corresponding affiliations.

For further information please contact:


General Chairs:
David McAllister, Samsung
Richard Membarth, DFKI

Papers Chairs:
Markus Steinberger, TU Graz
Tim Foley, NVIDIA

Program Chairs:
Anton Kaplanyan, Facebook Reality Labs
Brandon Lloyd, NVIDIA

Local Chair:
Jean-Michel Dischler, University of Strasbourg

Steve Molnar, NVIDIA
Josh Steinhurst, Intel

Pierre Moreau, Lund University

Publicity Chair:
Christoph Schied, KIT

Posters Chair:
José A. Iglesias Guitián, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Diversity Chair:
Apollo Ellis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign