Fourth Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulation
(VRIPHYS '07).
In cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS.
Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland, 9th November
1. The Preliminary Workshop Program is now online.
Invited Talk will be by Miguel Otaduy ETH Zurich on "Interactive Simulation
Deformations and Contact - Accuracy and performance trade-offs"
2. Registration is now open.
Register before 19th October to avail of special early registration
3. Submission of posters is invited (deadline 10th October, 2007).
Please see
http://www.vriphys.org/workshops/vriphys07 for more details.
Workshop Info
The VRIPhyS workshop has been held annually since 2004 as a forum for
discussing current research and new technology in the domain of dynamic
simulation and physical interaction in virtual environments. We particularly
encourage submission of works in the medical domain due to its strong ties
to the workshop topics, which include but are not limited to:
* Deformable objects
* Physical standards for assessing deformable objects
* Natural phenomena modeling
* Collision detection techniques
* Geometric algorithms for physical simulation
* Haptic interactions & virtual reality interfaces
* Physically based dynamics
Workshop chairs
* John Dingliana (Trinity College of Dublin - Ireland)
* Fabio Ganovelli (National Research Council - Italy)
Program Committee
Bedrich Benes - Purdue University. [US]
Christophe Chaillou - INRIA Futurs [FR]
Stephane Cotin - INRIA Sophia Antioplis [FR]
Paolo Dario - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna [IT]
Hervé Delingette - INRIA, Sofia Antiplois [FR]
John Dingliana - Trinity College Dublin, [IE]
Francois Faure - INRIA, Rhone-Alpes [FR]
Fabio Ganovelli - National Research Concil [IT]
Cesar Mendoza - R&D Natural Motion Ltd. [UK]
Philippe Meseure - SIC France [FR]
Min-Hyung Choi - The University of Colorado, Denver [US]
Matthias Müller - AGEIA Inc.
Isabel Navazo - Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya [SP]
Victor Ng-Thow-Hing - Honda Research Institute [US]
Carol O'Sullivan - Trinity College Dublin [IE]
Miguel Otaduy - ETH Zurich [CH]
Isaac Rudomin - Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico City [MX]
Riccardo Scateni - Università di Cagliari [IT]
Marco Tarini - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria [IT]
Matthias Teschner - University of Freiburg [DE]