|| EuroVis 2011: Call for Posters & Demos
|| Poster Chair: Július Parulek (Julius.Parulek@UiB.no)
|| Submissions are due March 11, 2011
|| Notification date is April 4, 2011
-+ With this call for posters & demos,
| we invite the active participation in EuroVis 2011
| (June 1-3, 2011, in Bergen, Norway)
| with a poster and/or an interactive demo.
-+ EuroVis 2011,
| i.e., the Eurographics / IEEE Symposium on Visualization,
| is annually organized
| by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization
| and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
| General URL: http://www.EuroVis.org/
-+ EuroVis 2011 Posters and Demos will be exhibited at the EuroVis
| 2011 venue. In the poster/demo session, the presenters are
| supposed to discuss their work with interested EuroVis attendees.
| Additionally, there will be a preview session, where presenters
| will have 60 seconds each to advertise their poster/demo to the
| overall EuroVis audience. For the case of interactive demos,
| we recommend to submit them together with an accompanying poster.
-+ We welcome preliminary findings, which, for example, are not yet
| mature enough for a full paper, interesting research work with a
| contribution smaller than in a typical research paper (student
| projects can fall into this category, for example), or late-
| breaking research where the presenter can benefit from the feedback
| from the community before writing a full paper. There is no
| explicit requirement of novelty with respect to the involved
| research. For instance, we welcome the demonstration of
| open-source visualization software, even if its research aspects
| have already been published in another venue, the presentation of
| commercial visualization software, or of videos showing
| visualization systems in action. Although a full literature review
| is not expected, the most relevant previous work should be cited,
| particularly if new research results are presented.
-+ The collection of accepted abstracts will be distributed to the
| attendees of EuroVis 2011 (xeroxed, black and white only). Still
| they will not be included in the archival proceedings or indexed in
| a digital library. Thus, posters do not preclude the later
| submission of work as a full research paper at EuroVis 2012 or any
| other venue.
-+ Each poster/demo abstract will be read and evaluated by the Poster
| Chair of EuroVis 2011 (in collaboration with the other EuroVis 2011
| Chairs). The submissions will be evaluated based on whether the
| content is suitable for EuroVis and that it is not a repetition of
| the work of others. The authors of posters that are not accepted
| will receive a summary review of their poster from the chair(s)
| explaining the decision and providing feedback.
-+ Suggested topics for posters/demos include (but are not limited to):
* Visualization Taxonomies and Models
* Spatial Data in Visualization
* Non-Spatial Data
* Large Data Visualization
* Visualization Techniques
* Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining, and Knowledge Discovery
* Interaction
* General Topics
* Evaluation and User Studies
* Application Areas of Visualization
| More related keywords are available from the earlier published
| Call for Papers at www.UiB.no/EuroVis2011/call_for_papers.php
-+ Before submitting a poster/demo abstract,
| please note the following:
| -- Poster abstract submissions should be in two-column format
| and should be one page in length (in exceptional cases, two
| pages could be acceptable). The author(s) should prepare
| and electronically submit a PDF version of their poster/demo
| abstract following the EuroVis style guidelines, see
| http://www.UiB.no/EuroVis2011/format.php for details.
| The submissions need not be anonymous.
| -- All abstract submissions should be sent in PDF format by
| eMail to the EuroVis 2011 Poster Chair Julius.Parulek@UiB.no
| before 23:59 GMT/UTC on March 11, 2011.
| -- The submission should clearly state, if a demo and/or video
| will be presented during EuroVis 2011.
| -- Notifications about acceptance/rejection of posters/demos
| will be sent on April 4, 2011
| -- At least one of the poster/demo authors must be present at
| the conference.
-+ All questions regarding the EuroVis 2011 Poster/Demo Program
| should be directed to Július Parulek, Julius.Parulek@UiB.no.
-+ Links and further information:
| EuroVis URL: http://www.UiB.no/EuroVis2011/
| Twitter: http://Twitter.com/EuroVis2011/
| EuroVis 2011 is also on Facebook
| Or: http://www.EuroVis.org/