Call for Participation, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2017
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are kindly inviting you to contribute to the 28th Eurographics Symposium
on Rendering to be held on 19-21 June, 2017 at Aalto University in Helsinki,
Finland. This 28th event continues the series of highly successful
Eurographics Symposia and Workshops on rendering. For more details, please
visit the conference webpage at <>
Important dates:
- Abstract deadline: Monday 27 March 2017
- Papers deadline: Friday 31 March 2017
- Author notification: Wednesday 10 May 2017
- Final papers due: Wednesday 17 May 2017
We are soliciting contributions to two different tracks: the "Experimental
Ideas & Implementations" (EI & I) track for papers that will be presented at
the conference only, and the "CGF" track for papers that will also appear in
the Computer Graphics Forum journal, in addition to being presented at the
conference. Authors will have the choice of submitting their work to be
considered for the CGF track, the EI & I track, or both tracks.
Core conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Real-time and offline rendering
- Acquisition, modeling, and manipulation of light transport & appearance
- Realistic, non-photorealistic, 2D, and 3D image processing & synthesis
- Mathematical techniques for image synthesis
- Computational photography/optics/displays
- Image synthesis for augmented or virtual reality
- Software and hardware systems/architectures for rendering
- Audio/sound rendering
We hope to see you and your work in Helsinki!
EGSR 2017 papers chairs
Matthias Zwicker
Pedro Sander
Local organizers
Jaakko Lehtinen (conference chair)
Samuli Laine
Timo Aila