Dear all,


we would like to invite you to present a poster at VMV 2014 in Darmstadt.


The VMV poster track offers the possibility to present and discuss visualization, modelling and vision research with VMV attendees and a wider audience. VMV will provide space for both poster and interactive presentations. Example works include, but are not limited to:

preliminary research ideas, recent published work, student projects, as well as application case studies.



Please submit an abstract of the poster (max 1 page, paper template) via e-mail to


Submission deadline: September 1, 2014




Authors should bring a hard copy poster for display at VMV. Interactive demonstrations should bring their own hardware (e.g., laptop) to the poster session. Please let us know in advance, whether you plan to give interactive demos.


At least one author should register to the conference, present their poster personally and discuss their work during the poster sessions.


More information on the conference and conference program, please consult .


In case of questions, please contact chairs: