Call for Posters
25th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Online: 20-22 April 2021
Important Dates
All deadlines are 8 pm Pacific Time.
Poster submission deadline March 16, 2021
Author notification March 23, 2021
Authors are invited to submit their recent work about real-time 3D graphics,
interaction, and games as a poster. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Real-time rendering
- Physics-based animation
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Deep learning for graphics and simulation
- Collision detection
- Real-time computer vision
- Navigation in virtual environments
- Texture synthesis
- Real-time post-processing effects
- Interactive 3D modeling
- In-the-wild 3D reconstruction
- Level-of-detail approaches
- Pre-computed lighting for real-time applications
- Visibility computation
- Real-time surface shading
- Fast shadows, caustics and reflections
- Impostors and image-based techniques
- Motion synthesis and path planning
- Character and crowd animation and simulation techniques
- Interaction devices and techniques
- User studies of interactive techniques
- Sketch-based 3D modeling and design
- Video game techniques
- Content generation techniques for real-time applications
We encourage submission of work-in-progress and works published at another
venue that are relevant to the I3D community. Accepted posters will be
presented by the authors at the conference in two separate sessions: as a
quick fast forward teaser and in-depth discussion with the audience in a
virtual poster session.
Submission Information
Poster submissions should be in ACM conference format using the "sigconf"
style. They should include author information and must not be longer than
two pages. Submissions will be submitted for review electronically at . They will be reviewed in a
single-blind process. After the posters are accepted in the conference, they
will appear in an online database for distribution at their authors'
discretion. They will NOT appear in the I3D proceedings, nor in the ACM
Digital Library.
Questions regarding the submission process should be emailed to
<> posters(a)