Dear all,
The Ecole Polytechnique is recruiting a Professor and an Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence in a broad sense.
Computer Graphics candidates are much welcome if at least some of their research relates to AI - from the animation of autonomous characters, to smart geometry based on knowledge, and through the extension and uses of machine learning techniques in graphics/vision research (including modeling, animation, rendering, image and video processing). Teaching will be in English and take place in a bachelor program and in a new master program on "Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing", opening in 2018.
A full description of the positions is available here:
Students at Ecole Polytechnique are excellent and we have a good level of funding. The positions will therefore be quite competitive and we are looking for outstanding candidates. Please contact me, in addition to the people mentioned in the position description page, if you work in Computer Graphics and would like to apply.
Best regards,
Marie-Paule Cani (reply to
President, the Eurographics association
Professor, Ecole Polytechnique (on leave from Grenoble INP & Inria)
Head of the STREAM Team:
LIX (Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay), 91128 Palaiseau, France