The Graz University of Technology/ Faculty for Informatics intents to appoint a

Professorship in Geometry Processing

The position will be available at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization by March 1, 2013. The contract will initially be for a 5-year period with an optional extension to a tenured position. The position will be paid according to the salary grade A1 of the collective agreement. An overpayment of the monthly minimum salary of t he collective agreement € 4,571.20 (14x per year) can be arranged.

The applicant is expected to work with the research cluster 'visual computing' at Graz University of Technology with a focus on (parametric) modeling in computer graphics, (semi-) immersive rendering and digital libraries (for general document types). An involvement in projects in the field of Cultural Heritage and the willingness to collaborate closely with Fraunhofer Austria and the Fraunhofer IGD is desired.

Graz University of Technology is committed to increasing the percentage of female scientists in teaching and research. Given applicants with equal qualifications, we give priority to women.

Applications should include diplomas, a resume, a list of publications, an overview of current and planned research and teaching activities, copies of the 5 most important publications and references.  Applications should be sent electronically and by mail by

15 October 2012

to the Dean of Computer Science, Prof Franz Wotawa, Inffeldgasse 10/II, A-8010 Graz, E-Mail: For details and the application form, see the official announcement in German: