******************* Call for Papers ***************************************
The Eurographics Ireland 2009 Workshop will be hosted by the Graphics
Vision and Visualisation Group in the School of Computer Science and
Statistics at Trinity College Dublin on Friday the 11th of December,
Authors are invited to submit papers for the 2009 Workshop of the
Irish Chapter of Eurographics (the European Association for Computer
Graphics). Submissions relating to all of Computer Graphics are
welcome. The theme of the workshop will be "Animate & Illuminate", but
we hope to bring together a diverse group of people interested in the
theory and applications of Computer Graphics and its intersection with
other areas, such as Perception, Games, Physics, Computer Vision,
Audio, and Haptics.
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Audio Rendering
CAD/CAM & GIS Systems
Computational Geometry
Computational Photography
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Computer Games
Computer Vision & Image Processing
Crowd Rendering
Educational Aspects of Graphics
Geometric Modeling
Global Illumination
Graphics and Perception
Graphics for/from the World Wide Web
Graphics for Medicine
Graphics Hardware
High Dynamic Range Imaging
Human Computer Interfaces
Image Based Rendering
Mathematical Aspects of Graphics
Parallel & Distributed Graphics
Pattern Recognition
Physical Simulation
Procedural Techniques
Virtual Reality
Submissions relating to all aspects of Computer Graphics are invited.
We invite papers, 6-8 pages long, in the categories of applications or
research. High quality submissions describing work-in-progress will
also be considered. Papers must be written and presented in English.
The main contribution of the paper should not previously have appeared
in, or be submitted to, any other conference or journal. Acceptance of
papers will be determined by a review committee.
If accepted, you will be expected to deliver an oral presentation at
the workshop. All accepted papers will appear in the printed
proceedings and there will be a prize for the best paper. Authors of
some rejected papers with high potential will be invited to present
their work as a poster.
Papers must be submitted no later than Friday 30th October (12
Midnight GMT). Submissions should be emailed in pdf form to
egirl09(a)scss.tcd.ie. The subject of the email should be "EG Ireland 09
Submission". The submission guidelines for Eurographics Workshops can
be found at:
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: Friday 30th October, 2009
Acceptance notification: Friday 13th November, 2009
Camera-ready copy due: Friday 27th November, 2009
Workshop: Friday 11th of December, 2009
Apologies for cross postings - please forward to interested parties