PhD Position Available - Interdisciplinary Project Serious Games,
Bioinformatics, Evaluation
We have an open PhD position at TU Darmstadt in an interdisciplinary project
covering serious games, bioinformatics and evaluation. All information can
be found in the official job posting at
sp (in German). Note that the knowledge of German is not a precondition for
the job.
Please contact Michael Goesele ( <>
goesele(a) for inquiries and information.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Goesele
Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppenleiter
GRIS - Graphisch Interaktive Systeme
TU Darmstadt
Fraunhoferstrasse 5
D-64283 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 155 664
Fax: +49 6151 155 603
Email: <> goesele(a)
WWW: <>