Dear all,
We have a PostDoc position available for the new EPSRC/UKRI project “Trust in Human-Machine Partnership” on the topic of Visualization expanding to Explainable AI, AI Planning, Computational Argumentation, Provenance, HCI, Software Infrastructure.
Positions are for 2 or 3 years and are open also to non-EU candidates.
Closing date: February 11th. More details below and here:
PostDoc positions on the project Trust in Human-Machine Partnership
THuMP: Trust in Human-Machine Partnership is a multi-disciplinary 3-year project, with the ambitious goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in trustworthy human-AI decision-support systems. ThUMP will address the technical challenges involved in creating explainable AI (XAI) systems, with a focus on Explainable Planning and Computational Argumentation, so that people using the system can better understand the rationale behind and trust suggestions made by an AI system. This project is conducted in collaboration with three project partners: Save the Children and Schlumberger, which provide use cases for the project, and the law firm Hogan Lovells, which will cooperate in considering legal implications of enhancing machines with transparency and the ability to explain.
1 PostDoc will be responsible for conducting research around decision support in human-machine teams, particularly for resource allocation. Tasks will involve building software infrastructure for the project, developing a prototype interface for communicating with users, designing and conducting experiments with human subjects based on the use cases that will be co-created with the project partners, with an emphasis on visual analytics for explainable AI in the context of resource allocation in critical domains (Apply here!).
For any queries you can contact
Dr. Rita Borgo
Dr. Daniele Magazzeni