Computational Aesthetics 2011 – Call for Papers
Date: August 5 – 7, 2011
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Computational Aesthetics (CAe) bridges the analytic and synthetic by
integrating aspects of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and the
fine, applied & performing arts. It seeks to facilitate both the analysis
and the augmentation of creative behaviors. CAe also investigates the
creation of tools that can enhance the expressive power of the fine and
applied arts and furthers our understanding of aesthetic evaluation,
perception, and meaning. The Computational Aesthetics conference brings
together individuals with technical experience of developing
computer-based tools to solve aesthetic problems and people with
artistic/design backgrounds who use these new tools. Refereed CAe papers
and artworks aim to facilitate a dialogue between scientists and engineers
who are creating new tools, and also artists and designers who use them.
Presentations will provide a snapshot of the latest technical
breakthroughs and the most recent artistic or design achievements in
applying computer based techniques to solve aesthetic problems.
For the first time in its history, CAe 2011 will be run jointly with the
related conferences on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR
2011) and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM 2011), and the event
will be co-located with the world’s leading conference on computer
graphics and interactive techniques: SIGGRAPH 2011. CAe/NPAR/SBIM 2011
will be held on August 5–7, 2011, in Vancouver, Canada, as a
two-and-a-half day, two-track event running before SIGGRAPH.
Three invited talks will be shared among the conferences and sessions will
be mixed. Participants will be able to freely switch between the sessions
to not only see the talks of their own field of work but also be inspired
but talks from related domains. The submission, reviewing, and publishing
process for the event, however, will be handled separately between the
three conferences.
Technical submissions are invited across the broad range of areas covered
by Computational Aesthetics. Specific technical areas include, but are not
limited to:
* computational analysis and modeling of creative behavior (AI, A-life);
* artistic image transformation techniques (colors, edges, patterns,
* image style and salience analysis (paintings, photographs, others);
* visualization (perceptual or aesthetics based);
* sketching, simplification techniques (artistic, cognitive);
* composition, visual balance, layout;
* non-photorealistic and illustrative rendering addressing computational
* empirically based metrics of aesthetical attributes;
* applied visual perception (color appearance, spatial vision, and other
* measuring and describing aesthetics; and
* computational tools for artists.
Successful submissions can, for example, describe novel technical
approaches that address one or more of the areas mentioned above (or
beyond). However, we are equally interested in papers that discuss the use
of existing techniques but combine them in an interesting new way or apply
them in a new context that addresses problems in computational aesthetics.
Technical Paper Submissions
Technical papers should present original, unpublished work. The
manuscripts must be written in English, must be formatted according to the
EG publication guidelines, and should be no longer than 8 pages. The
submission is single-blind, so please format your paper camera-ready
including author names and affiliations. Please see the web version of the
call for further detail on how to prepare your paper:
Paper submissions should be made via the Computational Aesthetics
conference management system at
<>. When starting a new
submission, please select the “Computational Aesthetics: Technical” track.
Accepted technical and art papers will be presented at the symposium and
appear in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published in the
Eurographics Workshop and Symposia Series, and will be listed in the
Eurographics and ACM Digital Libraries.
Important Dates
Submission deadline : Monday 25 April 2011
Acceptance notification : Monday 6 June 2011
Camera-ready deadline : Monday 13 June 2011
Conference : Friday 5 – Sunday 7 August 2011
Conference Chairs:
Tobias Isenberg, University of Groningen
Douglas Cunningham, MPI Tübingen
Arts Chairs:
Andres Wanner, Simon Fraser University
Allen Bevans, Simon Fraser University
Posters Chair:
Bernhard Riecke, Simon Fraser University
Publicity Chair:
Christian Richardt, University of Cambridge
Further Information
Download a PDF of the call here: