Dear computer graphics professionals,
There are
> 7 open PhD positions in computer graphics,
intelligence, and computer vision <<
in the
> Research Unit 5336 "Learning to Sense"
funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) conducted at the University
of Siegen, Germany.
The research unit "Learning to Sense" in the intersection of as well as
novel sensor development in the areas of microscopy, THz imaging and CMOS
We are looking for excellent students interested in joining our
interdisciplinary team! Also, we'll offer a workshop for master students
who'd like to learn more about the research work to be conducted in our team
at the beginning of September.
Further information can be found on our website or by contacting the spokesperson of the
research unit Michael Möller michael.moeller(a)
Viele Grüße / Kind regards,
Andreas Kolb