Victoria, BC, Canada
26-29 May 2008
35 Accepted full papers will be published in
The Visual Computer Journal.
In Cooperation with Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH
A special edition of the journal will be available at the conference and
serve as the official proceedings.
CGI09 will be co-located with Computational Aesthetics 2009 see:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 3 November 2008
Full Papers Notification of Acceptance: 8 December 2008
Full papers Final version Deadline: 2 January 2009
Short Paper Submission Deadline: 1 March 2009
Short paper Notification of Acceptance: 30 March 2009
Short papers Final version due: 15 April 2009
CGI09 Conference: 26-29 May 2008
Computer Graphics International (CGI) is the official conference of the
Computer Graphics Society (CGS). One of the few truly international computer
graphics organizations, CGI and CGS were started by Professor Kunii in the
early 1980's as CG Tokyo. The CGI conference is one of the top recognized
international computer graphics conferences. Recent conferences have been
held in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Hong Kong, USA, Greece, China, Brazil
and Turkey.
Original papers should be up to 8 pages in final format. Submission will be
through the Editorial Manager system of Springer. The website will be open
early in October and details will be available on the conference website:
Conference topics include but are not limited to:
Graphics Systems Architecture
Rendering Techniques
Geometric Computing
Shape and Surface Modeling
Physically Based Modeling
Scientific Visualization
Multimedia and Digital Media
Image Based Rendering
Computer Animation
Interaction Techniques and HCI
Stylized Rendering
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Point-based Graphics
Computer Vision
Data Compression for Graphics
Web Graphics
Graphic Toolkits
Computer Graphics Applications
Conference Chairs
Brian Wyvill, University of Victoria
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (MIRALab, Switzerland)
Program Chair
Geoff Wyvill, University of Otago
Please direct any inquiries to cgi09(a)