Submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting
instructions and the submission procedure are provided at the
symposium web site:
Accepted papers, short papers and posters will be presented at the
symposium. Full papers will appear in the proceedings, which will be
published in the Eurographics Workshop Series. The three best papers
will be considered for a journal publication. Each short paper /
poster will be allowed a 4 page / 2 page publication in a separate
booklet distributed to the symposium attendees. Students are
especially encouraged to submit posters. See the submission site for
full details.
IPT-EGVE 2007 will be held in Weimar, Germany. Weimar is a great yet
small historictown of culture with its beautiful old centre,
impressive museums and picturesque parks and gardens Located between
Frankfurt and Berlin It is easily accessible by air and surface
transportation. The conference will be held at the Bauhaus university
campus area located next to the centre. Hotels, restaurants and many
fascinating sights will be in walking distance of the lecture
Symposium Co-Chairs
Bernd Fröhlich, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Roland Blach, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany
Robert van Liere, CWI, Netherlands
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2007, 23:59h GMT
Notification of acceptance: 01 May 2007
Camera-ready copy due: 15 May 2007
Symposium dates: 15-18 July 2007
For more information please visit,
or contact:
Bernd Froehlich
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
Bauhausstr. 11
99423 Weimar, Germany
Phone: +49 3643 583732
Fax: +49 3643 583709