Dear colleagues,
We open a faculty position at Telecom ParisTech (joint research unit with CNRS), Paris, France.
The complete position description is here:
The position may be filled either in:
- the Computer Graphics group: applicants should contact me (
- Affective Computing: applicants should contact Catherine Pelachaud (
The deadline for applying is Septembrer 14th and the selection process (review, seminars, final interview) will take place in October. Applicants who do not speak french are expected to be willing to learn it (french classes available all year long).
Potential applicants who are attending SIGGRAPH 2012 can send me a message to arrange a short appointment at the conference.
Feel free to forward this message to potential applicants and relevant mailing lists.
Best regards,
Dr Tamy Boubekeur
Associate Professor in Computer Science
Telecom ParisTech - CNRS