


14th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS)

April 15-16, 2018, Delft (The Netherlands)

Work-in-progress and Poster submission deadline ** March 27, 2018 **





Dear all,


We are currently accepting submissions to the Posters and Work-in-Progress sessions at VRIPHYS 2018. This is an excellent way to get feedback about your ongoing work and to exchange ideas with specialists at VRIPHYS 2018. 


For its 14th edition, the workshop will be co-located with Eurographics 2018 in Delft. We also have the pleasure to welcome Alessandro TASORA (Univ. of Parma), Moritz BÄCHER (Disney Research), François FAURE (Anatoscope), Erwin COUMANS (Google Brain Team) and Xavier MERLHIOT (CEA) as invited speakers. Don't miss it!


Work-in-Progress (WIP) Session


An oral session with short presentations (typically 15 min including discussion) will be organized for unpublished work and recent results. These presentations should focus on aspects related to virtual reality interaction and physics simulation. The presented work will not be included in the proceedings, thus allowing participants to get feedback about their work without preventing them from submitting their work later. This session is well suited for Ph.D. candidates and early career researchers.




Authors are also invited to submit proposals for poster presentations. Posters will be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events. We encourage submissions from all areas which may be of interest to the community. Authors of accepted posters are expected to present their work in-person at the conference.




Please send by email (vriphys2018@sciencesconf.org) an abstract (1-2 pages approx.) which must be formatted following the same guidelines as for the full papers by March 27, 2018. A preliminary version of the poster could also be sent if appropriate. Notification of acceptance will be sent within a few days.


For any questions concerning Poster and WIP submissions please contact:



** Poster/Work-in-Progress submission:  March 27, 2018 **


Steering committee



Sheldon Andrews            École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Canada

Jan Bender                 RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Jérémie Dequidt            Univ. Lille - INRIA North Europe, France

Kenny Erleben              University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Fabrice Jaillet            IUT Lyon 1, LIRIS, Lyon, France

Matthias Teschner          University of Freiburg, Germany

Gabriel Zachmann           University of Bremen, Germany


For more information, please visit https://vriphys2018.sciencesconf.org/

And see you in Delft!