# Apologies for multiple postings
14th ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its
Applications in Industry - ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI 2015
Kobe Port Island Center, Kobe, Japan
October 30th - November 1st, 2015
Last Call for Poster Papers
VRCAI is an annual ACM SIGGRAPH-sponsored international conference on
virtual reality continuum and its applications. The 14th ACM International
Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry
(VRCAI 2015) will take place during October 30th to November 1st in Kobe,
co-located with ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015.
The Posters and Demos sessions will present late-breaking results, work in
progress, application case studies and follow-up extensions or evaluations
of existing methods in the VRC field. Expected topics are listed on our
In particular, it provides young researchers and graduate students with
valuable opportunities to receive feedback from other researchers, and
engage in stimulating discussions. Discounted rates are available for all
All submissions will be considered for Best Poster Awards, and will be
conferred during the conference. Furthermore, we are planning that best
posters will be invited to give the presentation at SIGGRAPH ASIA
2015 Poster sessions. Details will be announced at our website later.
Important Dates
Poster paper submission due: September 19, 2015 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: September 28, 2015
Submissions should be a publication-ready version of one- or two-page
abstract in the PDF format with full author names and affiliations.
Supplementary videos and images are recommended. For more details about the
submission procedure, please refer to our website at
Work submitted as a poster paper is still eligible for later publication.
The poster papers and the supplemental materials will be distributed to the
attendees on the conference proceedings, and will not be included in any
digital libraries.
Accepted posters will require that at least one author attends the
conference to present the poster and fast-forward presentation session that
will take place during the conference and will give a chance for the authors
to orally present a very brief summary of their work to all conference
attendees. Authors will be required to make an A0 landscape/portrait poster
and to prepare one slide for presentation at the conference.
Inquiry can be sent to: <mailto:vrcai2015@cg.ces.kyutech.ac.jp>
Organizing Committee
Conference Co-Chairs:
Issei Fujishiro, Keio University, Japan
Zhigeng Pan, Hangzhou Normal University, China Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, NTU,
Singapore & MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Program Co-Chairs:
Masaki Oshita, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Xubo Yang, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, China Hyun Seung Yang, KAIST, Korea
Posters/Demos Chair
Tomohiko Mukai, Tokai University, Japan
Steering Committee:
Zhigeng Pan, China (STC Chair)
Matt Adcock, Australia
Judy Brown, USA
Yiyu Cai, Singapore
Masayuki Nakajima, Sweden
Daniel Thalmann, Singapore
Enhua Wu, Macao, China
Hyun Seung Yang, Korea
Xiaopeng Zhang, China