Computer Graphics and Applications
Fifteenth International Conference
June 20 - 24, 2005
Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, Russia
Sponsored by
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical
Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS,
Novosibirsk, Russia, in cooperation with:
- Institute of Automation and Electrometry, SB RAS (
- Institute of Informatics Systems, SB RAS (
- Novosibirsk State University (
- Moscow State University,
- Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS, Moscow
- Ledas Ltd. (
are jointly organizing the Fifteenth International Conference on Computer
Graphics and Applications Graphicon'2005. The conference will be held in
Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, June 20-24, 2005.
GraphiCon is the largest international conference on Computer Graphics in
Europe and Asia annually organized in Russian Federation. The first
on Computer Graphics in the former USSR (actual predessesor of GraphiCon)
place in Novosibirsk in 1977 because of high level research in the area by
Siberian scientists. After that, the GraphiCon conferences took place in
Moscow (1991, 1992, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004),
St.-Petersburg (1993, 1995, 1996), and Nizhni Novgorod (1994, 2001, 2002).
It is pretty symbolic that the 15-th GraphiCon is coming back to
actual place of birth of these computer graphics conferences.
The main topics of the conference include, but not restricted by, the
Geometry Modeling and processing
Visualization techniques
Volume rendering techniques
Global illumination and photorealistic image rendering techniques
Real-time graphics techniques and GPU performance tools
Image-based techniques
Multimedia applications and techniques
Image processing and computer vision
3D reconstruction and acquisition
Animation and simulation of natural environment
Virtual and augmented reality
Tools and applications inspired by Cultural heritage
Applications of CG: CAD, GIS, and others
Computer graphics for mobile devices and commodity graphics
Graphics in computer games and movies
Computer graphics hardware and GPU applications
New APIs and shading languages
The EU-funded EPOCH Network of Excellence ( will be
in the organization and reviewing of the cultural heritage area.
The conference format will include Invited Talks, Contributed Talks, Poster
Presentations, Tutorials and Panels, organized in the following tracks:
Paper Presentations,
STAR Reports,
Work in Progress Presentations,
Presentations of Industrial Applications,
Multimedia Shows and Animation Film Festival,
Education in Graphics panels,
Students Contest.
All the contributed papers will be carefully and anonymously reviewed by the
members of International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be
published as
the Conference Proceedings and distributed in printed and electronic form
the participants. Selected papers will also be published in special issues
the journals "Optoelectronics" (Alerton Press) and "Computer Graphics
Geometry". The best paper presentations at the professional and student
selected by the international jury, will be awarded prizes.
Official language of the conference is English. Submissions in Russian are
acceptable with extended English abstract attached. Such contributions will
addressed to the domestic conference section(s).
Important Dates:
Submission deadline for full papers: February 15
Notification of acceptance: March 15
Final version of full papers due: April 15
Submission deadline for STAR reports: April 30
Submission deadline for Work in Progress: April 30
Submission deadline for other sections: May 15
GraphiCon Conference June 20 - 23
GraphiCon Tutorials June 23 - 24
In order to evaluate better the conference sections and events you are
requested to fill in and send to the Organizing Committee a sort of
non-obligatory registration (declaration of intent):
Name ___________________
Title(s) of the proposed report(s)_______________________________________
Position ___________________
Affiliation __________________
City _____________________
Country __________________
Additional information is available at GraphiCon website:
Conference Committee Chairs
Victor Debelov (Russia) debelov(a)
Timour Paltashev (USA) tpaltash(a)
International Program Committee Chairs
David Arnold (UK) D.Arnold(a)
Mukhail Lavrentiev (Russia) mmlavr(a)
Conference email: gc2005(a)
Travel directions.
Access to the sity of Novosibirsk is easy and safe. There are four daily
non-stop flights from Moscow. Several times a week there are also direct
from Seoul, Beijing, Tel-Aviv, Frankfurt, and Hannover. List of
airlines can be found at
A cultural program is planned for the participants and accompanying persons.
Novosibirsk is an administrative center of the Siberian Federal district.
Population of the sity is about two million. Nowadays Novosibirsk is the
cultural and scientific center in Siberia. The Siberian Branch of the
Academy of Sciences, along with the famous Novosibirsk State University, are
based in Akademgorodok, where the conferense will take place. The scientific
city of Akademgorodok was founded in a very pleasant environment of Siberian
nature, the artificial Ob sea is within walking distance. A number of unique
museums (geological, archeological, ethnical, and other) are located there.
After the conference a 2-3 days comfortable trip to the famous Altay
practically untouched by industrial pollution, will be organized. Hiking is
possible, but not necesserily required. It is also possible to visit the
lake Baikal after the conference.