The Biomedical Visualization Group at VRVis Research Center (
<> ) Vienna, Austria has two open positions
for Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers in the EU Initial Training Network
(ITN) Software for the Use of Multi-Modality Images in External Radiotherapy
We are looking for highly motivated young computer scientists preferably
from European Countries interested in medical visualization and in the
development of cutting edge solutions for radiotherapy planning. This is a
terrific opportunity to work and learn in an exiting consortium about how IT
can help to improve radiotherapy. The project is done in close cooperation
with medical doctors and radiotherapy professionals.
Starting dates for the position ESR1 is 1. January 2012 or later, position
ESR 2 starts 1. August 2012 or later. Duration of both positions is 36 month
in which both researchers have the possibility to do a PhD at the Vienna
University of Technology.
More Details can be found at
and at the project website: <>
Please apply or distribute this annoucement among promising young talents
that are looking for a job with the possibility to do a PhD. If there is any
open question, please do not hesitate to contact me! (buehler(a)