Dear colleagues, (apologies for multiple posting)
Graphics Interface (GI) 2019, the 45th annual conference, will be held at Queen's
University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada from May 28 - 31, 2019. GI is the longest running
conference in the field, consistently attracting high-quality submissions on recent
advances in computer graphics, human-computer interaction (HCI), and visualization. All
accepted GI papers will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library and will be open access in
the Graphics Interface archive. The Michael A. J. Sweeney Award will be awarded at the
conference to the best student papers in graphics and HCI. Authors of top papers will be
invited to submit revised and extended versions to the journals IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) and Computers & Graphics.
GI 2019 will be held in conjunction with Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) as part of AI/GI/CRV 2019. A single registration provides access to all
keynotes, invited and paper talks, as well as the common poster/demo session for the three
GI 2019 consists of both Graphics and HCI tracks, along with several joint sessions. We
seek submissions covering all aspects of graphics, HCI, as well as visualization. Authors
must request that their submissions be handled by either the Graphics or HCI
sub-committee. In cases where significant overlap exists, a submission may be reviewed by
members of both sub-committees. All paper submissions are fully peer reviewed by at least
two members of the program committee and external reviewers. Papers normally have a
maximum length of eight pages.
Keynote Speakers
* Otmar Hilliges (ETH Zurich)
* Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (Simon Fraser University)
Invited Speakers
* Simon Clavet (Ubisoft Montreal)
* Audrey Girouard (Carleton University)
* David Levin (University of Toronto)
* Lennart Nacke (University of Waterloo)
* Matthew O'Toole (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Stacey Scott (University of Guelph)
In addition, talks will be given by the winners of the 2019 CHCCS Achievement Award and
the 2018 Bill Buxton and Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation awards.
* Paper Deadline: Wednesday December 19, 2018, 11:59 pm EST
* Author Notification: Monday, March 5th, 2018
Submission Information
Submissions should use the format shown in the conference template. Submissions should be
converted to PDF and uploaded to the Precision Conference system at The PCS system will be open for uploading
submissions at the start of December.
Submitting a Cover Letter and Previous Reviews
Authors of GI submission have the option to submit previous reviews and an accompanying
cover letter (submitted as a single PDF). The previous reviews can be from a previous GI
or any other conference submission. The cover letter should describe the results of the
previous review process and the subsequent revisions that have been made for the current
GI submission. When submitting a cover letter with previous submissions authors may decide
whether the material should be shared with external reviewers or not. Submitted letters
and reviews will be available to GI committee members.
Thank you,
Andrea Tagliasacchi and Rob Teather
Graphics Interface 2019 Paper Chairs